blog management services
Create a voice for your brand; we can create compelling content while driving traffic to your site.
let us help manage your blog
Are you looking to get a professional blog management service? Many entrepreneurs and business owners understand that blogging is and important factor to their online marketing strategy. Even so, it is challenging to create compelling content that drives traffic to your website. Digital Evolution Marketing can help.
The process of blog writing is to draw in visitors, build trust, acquire leads, and to capitalize your visitors to customers. Blogging is a commitment of time with the ultimate goal and reward of developing a following around your brand that is interested in your message.
When you generate enlightening, intriguing and influential content you will attract visitors which will then evolve into fans, followers, and subscribers who want to continue to see your content. Once you establish trust with your brand’s following, your subscribers become customers when there willing to buy.
the benefits of blogging:
content sharing:
Blog writing creates opportunities for visitors on your site to share your content. Visitors can link to your blog entries, share them on various social media website, or email them. This is a form of free marketing that increases your company’s visibility and improves your authenticity.
The difficulty for businesses more often than not is that blog management is time-consuming and can become a daunting task. Posting a new blog entry every couple of months will neither drive traffic into your website nor will it generate several new subscribers. Our blog management service will take care of all these challenges!
define your brand:
Blogging allows and helps you to personalize your brand. Compared to other forms of online marketing (email, pay-per-click, press releases, ect.), blogging is more personable. The content you provide within your blog, customizes your brand’s persona by expressing your vision, criteria, and character.
develop into being an industry leader:
Big or small, the size of your company does not matter, blogging creates dominance and trust. Providing relevant and intriguing content will display your knowledge and experience which will make you then become the go-to support for insight and information.
relationship building:
Blog writing gives you a chance to connect and interact with potential and existing customers, creating a community around your brand. This online interaction gives important insights into your customers interests and needs.
search engine optimization (seo):
New, interesting & intriguing content attracts search engines. Blog writing is the best way to add fresh content for search engines to index. More importantly, search engines look at shared content as a way to identify a website as favorable and influential, ranking it higher in search results.
consistency is important
Whether you are writing a new blog post once a day or once a week, maintaining a consistent blogging schedule is fundamental for bringing in fans, followers, and subscribers. You are already tied up with running your business full-time, and it is challenging to have an available schedule dedicated to a new work task. Digital Evolution Marketing’s blog management service will take care of your blogging calendar for you.
writing for your audience
When blogging, it is highly important to write to your target market. If you are a dentist, your desired audience is most likely not going to be other dentists. Therefore, using technical dentist-related terminology or lingo is not always the best decision. We can assist in creating the right game plan for using technical versus simple language or professional versus personable.
writing for your personality to shine
Guests want to trust and believe that the blog posts they read are written for them and by a genuine person. Digital Evolution Marketing’s experienced writers produce blog entries that are read as genuine and reliable. Copywriters can lack or lose the ability to write with individuality. All content that our copywriters provide will reflect your vision and values.
Blog writing can be challenging keeping the search engines, while at the same time, keeping the visitors happy. Providing long blog posts are important for search engines and forming authority, but can intimidate many visitors from reading the posts. Visitors will typically skim over a blog entry before deciding to actually read it. Our copywriters know how to effectively format blog entries, including; the proper use of sub-headings, images, bullet points, and other methods that will encourage visitors to read further.
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(Rosie Glow Skin LLC)

I can’t say anything but good things about Renee! She has absolutely exceeded my expectations and continues to. She is constantly adding additional things to my website and keeping it up-to-date without me even asking. She is extremely knowledgeable and has been the biggest asset to my business. She has tons of creative ideas and is always giving me unique advice on how to grow. I strongly recommend Renee, she is the best!

West Suburban Limousine has been working with Renee and the entire team at Digital Evolution for a couple years. They have helped turn our 54-year-old business around, making our online marketing approach targeted, efficient and effective. Digital Evolution has helped take our company into the modern age and we couldn't be happier with their broad range of marketing services, each of them customized to fit our needs at an affordable rate. The results have been positive and measurable! Great ROI.

(MLS #706440)