How To Discover Your Business Demographics On Your Facebook Page

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Why track your business performance?

A lot of businesses start their business without realizing about the niches because they want to target everybody. However, knowing your specific target market and niche could help you better understand your business and it could help improve your business performance.

Virtually all business these days uses Facebook as a key platform for marketing to reach their niches and find new audiences. Discover your business demographics on Facebook can be very simple and businesses could do it themselves. This social medial analytics tool is called “Facebook Ads Manager”.

Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook considered to be the great social media to reach people and a way to advertise your business online. It allows you to create an advertisement and campaign that can be reached to thousand of people.  If you never create Facebook ads before here is the link on how to create ads in ads manager.

Facebook Ads Manager is a great social media analytic tool for business to keep track of their performance. It’s also a convenient way for business to keep track of everything in one place. The tool is about discovering your ideal audience and niche. Facebook Ads Manager provides the necessary data of demographic people who like your page, and also tell you demographics for the organic (non-paid visitors). The demographic data specifically shows you the characteristics of your audiences, which you can use to specify your target market.

Demographics Data on Facebook Ads Manager

If you already has advertised on Facebook Ads, you can use Ads Manager tab to track your business data.

First, go to the left side of the page and click on “Ads Manager.”

Facebook Ads Manager Tab

Once you are in the “Ads Manager” click on the top left button then click on “Analytics” and this will take you to analytics page.

Finding the analytics page in Facebook Ads Manager

Once you on analytics page go on the left side, click on “People” then “Demographics.”

This will provide you a graph showing age and gender of the people that visit your page

When you click on demographics, it will provides you a graph showing age and gender of the people that visit your page. With this data, you could use it to target your audiences.

Business Demographics Data on the Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook also provides demographic data regarding the organic/non-paid visitors on the regular business pages as well. All you have to do is go to your business Facebook page and click on “Insights”. Once you are in insights, click on “People” on the left side list and you can see all the organic demographics.


Facebook Organic Business Demographics under the Insights Tab

As you can see in the picture, the Facebook ads manager provided you specific characteristics of your audience based on the age and gender.

One of our client who own a Thai restaurant has realized about niches and his target market using the Facebook ads manager. Results, it helps him cut spending by focusing on his target audience instead of spending on unnecessary.

Now you can use this great tool on your Facebook to track your business performance, and uncover your business demographics!

If you have any questions about your social media marketing feel free to book an appointment and talk to our marketing specialist here